Sunday, March 25, 2007

One Step Forward

After a couple of painful days it was back to the physio on Tuesday. When asked how everything was going, I simply responded with "Shit!". After a quick chat and trying a couple of different things that did not provide any relief, I was referred to to sports doctor and instructed to do absolutely no exercise. I came home feeling quite deflated.

I was lucky enough to get an appointment to see the sports doc on Thursday. So I dragged Blue Dog along, and now have full diagnosis (too much detail) The good news is I know have plan and I'm allowed to exercise under the principle of "relative rest", but still no running. This was music to my ears. I have another visit next week, which includes a few little assessments and adjustments and I will continue with the physio. Hopefully I will be on the road again very soon.

This week my "relative rest" has involved"

Monday: 1hr Aqua Aerobics
Tuesday: Physiotherapy
Wednesday: rest day
Thursday: 1hr Elliptical Trainer, 20 minutes stationery bike
Friday: 45 minutes Elliptical Trainer
Saturday: 1hr Elliptical Trainer followed by a strength and core session.
Sunday: 45 minutes Elliptical Trainer, 20 minutes stationery bike

Monday, March 19, 2007

Doing FA

Under strict instructions of doing "FA" and only allowed to swim with minimal leg movement I have been following the black line and sweating it out in the steam room. Not that I am the competitive type or one to chase PBs or mileage, my goal is to swim further each session.

I was back the physio again on Thursday, and was informed I will not be able to run for a period of four to six weeks and advised I have an "acute tear" WTF. I have physio gain tomorrow hoping to gain permission to start cycling.

Tuesday: 40 minutes swim
Wednesday: 45 minute swim
Thursday: Physiotherapy
Friday: rest day
Saturday: 1hr Aqua Aerobics and 30 minute swim
Sunday: upper body weights and 30 minute swim (including sprints)

I have been thinking of a few running goals over the past couple of days, and this year will be trying a few different things.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pain and Heartbreak

My Six Foot dream is shattered.

I had developed a small issue with my glute in the last week of February. I took myself off for a deep tissue massage and convinced myself with a good taper it would disappear, I was wrong. On Tuesday (6 March) I was in so much pain. I went to SWEAT and had a chat to Sean, and was advised to take it very easy on Big Bertha just to test the glute on the hills, it was horrible. I went to work and could hardly walk, my boss even questioned what was wrong; he believed he could see the pain in my face.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I call one of the guys at work that is a qualified masseuse, and arranged to meet him first thing Wednesday morning. When you are prepared to bare your ass to a colleague at work under fluorescent lights, you know you’re desperate. In the meantime Blue Dog had booked in my to see someone Wednesday even. After taking anti-inflammatories and pain killers, there was no improvement.

I arrived at The Edge on Friday, still unsure what I would do so I spoke to Kevin Tiller quietly to let him know that I may not start.

I got up Saturday morning, got dressed ready to race and packed a bag of spare clothes just in case. I took some more pills and hoped for a miracle. Blue Dog, Sarge and I parked at the Emergency Services Centre and walked to the start. As we crossed the road I had to run to avoid being hit by a bus (I should have let the bus hit me), the pain was excruciating. I quietly mentioned to Sarge that I would not be starting. Sarge suggested we get to Explorers Tree and we'll get Blue Dog sorted out and then work out what I was going to do.

I arrived at Explorers Tree desperately looking for Ray so we could do a warm up together. After an unsuccessful search for Ray, I grabbed Aunty K’s hand dragged her away so I could explain my situation. Aunty and I did a warm and had a good talk about my options (or lack of them) and I made my final decision, I was officially a “DNS”.

I found Blue Dog and Sarge to let them know I wouldn’t be starting. I watched the start and then headed to Caves House with Ray and Bec.

I had Monday off work, as I planned to treat it as a recovery day however I was running around with doctors. The verdict; my pelvis is out of alignment and I have a muscle tear in my glute.

Let just say there has been a lot of tears.

After a good talk with Blue Dog last night, I have analysed and refocused.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Are we there yet?

1 March

Another "relaxed" day was on the agenda, 4Km Fartlek. By the time we had warmed up Sean had set up the 1km loop and then gave us all our instructions to run relaxed and focus on our up coming races. I settled into a nice pace and just enjoyed the session, even resisting the temptation of overtake people. As I ran past Sean he reminded me to keep it relaxed, as I picked up the pace a little more than I should. After a cool down I had good chat to Sean in regards to my preparation and how I was feeling. Walked away feeling on top of the world.

2 March

Today I had an unplanned rest day. I had planned on running after work, but after a hectic day followed by grocery shopping and then news that my mother was in hospital I just decided a rest day would probably give me just a much benefit.

3 March

I was advised not to race the Striders 10k and just save myself for the big one, so I arrived feeling very relaxing about the whole run. I meet up with Kerry (CR Roses) and we decided to run together. We had a great run and just chattered the whole way around the course, yelling encouragement to our fellow runners as they went past. By the time we had commenced the second lap I was surprised by the number of people we passed. I finished in a time of 53:10 minutes which felt very comfortable and it was a great run with great company.

Later in the afternoon Katie and Ray came over so with the assistant of Blue Dog we had a photo shoot of the six foot gear. Very funny, but I am happy/disappointed a few shots got edited.

(The catalogue can now be viewed on CR)

This was then followed by a nice pre-six foot dinner with a few fellow runners and those that have supported us six footers throughout all the training.

4 March

In the theme of tapering Katie and I only had an hour on program and we were given strict instructions to keep it easy. So we meeting up with the usual gang at 6.30 and did a nice easy run, 10km in just under an hour (5:56/km pace). We spotted Sean a couple of times who reminded us to keep it easy and it was.

I spent afternoon going through previous 6 Foot results and reviewing my training and race times, and looking over the splits from last years race and the training runs I have completed on the course. I have set a goal time that I believe is realistic and discussed it with Blue Dog.