Monday, March 12, 2007

Pain and Heartbreak

My Six Foot dream is shattered.

I had developed a small issue with my glute in the last week of February. I took myself off for a deep tissue massage and convinced myself with a good taper it would disappear, I was wrong. On Tuesday (6 March) I was in so much pain. I went to SWEAT and had a chat to Sean, and was advised to take it very easy on Big Bertha just to test the glute on the hills, it was horrible. I went to work and could hardly walk, my boss even questioned what was wrong; he believed he could see the pain in my face.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I call one of the guys at work that is a qualified masseuse, and arranged to meet him first thing Wednesday morning. When you are prepared to bare your ass to a colleague at work under fluorescent lights, you know you’re desperate. In the meantime Blue Dog had booked in my to see someone Wednesday even. After taking anti-inflammatories and pain killers, there was no improvement.

I arrived at The Edge on Friday, still unsure what I would do so I spoke to Kevin Tiller quietly to let him know that I may not start.

I got up Saturday morning, got dressed ready to race and packed a bag of spare clothes just in case. I took some more pills and hoped for a miracle. Blue Dog, Sarge and I parked at the Emergency Services Centre and walked to the start. As we crossed the road I had to run to avoid being hit by a bus (I should have let the bus hit me), the pain was excruciating. I quietly mentioned to Sarge that I would not be starting. Sarge suggested we get to Explorers Tree and we'll get Blue Dog sorted out and then work out what I was going to do.

I arrived at Explorers Tree desperately looking for Ray so we could do a warm up together. After an unsuccessful search for Ray, I grabbed Aunty K’s hand dragged her away so I could explain my situation. Aunty and I did a warm and had a good talk about my options (or lack of them) and I made my final decision, I was officially a “DNS”.

I found Blue Dog and Sarge to let them know I wouldn’t be starting. I watched the start and then headed to Caves House with Ray and Bec.

I had Monday off work, as I planned to treat it as a recovery day however I was running around with doctors. The verdict; my pelvis is out of alignment and I have a muscle tear in my glute.

Let just say there has been a lot of tears.

After a good talk with Blue Dog last night, I have analysed and refocused.


Spud said...

Bernie, for what it's worth you made the right decision. That doesn't take away from your disappointment, I know you worked hard to get to the startline. Just remember all those kms in the legs are Gold and you'll be flying once you get back into it.
Take care and come back stronger.

Gronk said...

So sorry you day in the bush didn't work out Bernie.

For what it's worth, all my problems stem from an out of wack hip as well. My physio has given me a whole bunch of exercises (some yoga, some pilates) to pull it in and achieve some sort of symmetry. It's a slow process but I can feel the benefit.

Hope the glute sorts itself out in the short term and you can fix that hip alignment in the long term.

Harley Warren said...

You know what we think..... you are one super strong woman and a wonderul friend! Take care and we can not wait to share the next year with you!!!

Ray and Katie

(running widow and kit were not as nice!)

Tesso said...

Bernie, we all feel your pain and heartache up here. I am so so sorry that you weren't able to start. You worked so damn hard for this one.

But there's no doubt you did the right thing. There will be plenty more 6ft Track and other races, but you only have one pelvis and glute ... er, well, two glutes really :-) We runners have to look after ourselves, and many of us are guilty of not doing so properly and the consequences are not good.

Take it easy. See you soon.

Oh, and like I said to Kit, I love it that you are a Team J member. Makes me so proud :)

Clairie said...

Bernie, I have been offline but Tesso told me what happened and I was totally floored. To have that happen to you only mere days away from the event is just undescribeable.

I can only imagine what pain you went through emotionally (not to mention the physical pain) when you were faced with making that decision.

As others have said and you no doubt have thought about since - you made the right decision. However that doesnt mean it was any easier to make. Nor does it mean it is any easier to live with.

A great many months of hard slog training went into that race and I knew how much you were looking forward to show Sean and all of us how great you could be.

I personally think Kit ran hard for the both of you and poor Blue Dog must have been feeling for you and let it affect him too.

Thats how we all are - we feel for you.

Well not much else I can say.

Dare I suggest a new goal of Canberra?????????????????

Big hugs Bernie, and make that dog take you out somewhere special or better still, spend the day with your wonderful family and remind yourself what the really important things in life are. It works for me.

Take care xxxxxxxx

Superflake said...

Sorry to hear you didn't start the race Bernie. Hope the glute tear will see you back raring to go real fast.You will be back stronger than ever.

Lulu said...

It was heartbreaking to see your disapointment on Saturday morning. You worked so hard, but it won't have been in vain. I'm sure you'll be back stronger than ever in the next few weeks. Take care of yourself and we'll see you zooming up and down Big Bertha soon.

Dave said...

Hi Bernie, that explains things, I was a little lost as to what had happened but could not find teh right moment to ask.

While disappointing for sure, I agree you made the right decision, get the injury sorted and take advantage of your excellent base!

2P said...

Hey mate - there might have been tears in private - but the way you conducted yourself in public was an inspiration. Well done on making a good choice.

Horrie said...

I feel your pain Bernie as Belinda has had 6 Foot taken away from her 2 years in a row. The important thing is to let the glute muscle repair and get back into it when you are fit and ready. If you handle your recovery properly, there will be plenty more races and 6 Foots.

Jen said...

Bernie, you carried yourself with so much grace & class on the weekend, notwithstanding your immense disappointment.

Take care of yourself & you will come back stronger.


TA and the Gnome said...

Man, that was so unfair and tough. I hope the healing is swift and that you can get out and use that tremendous base you have and share another race with good friends.


plu said...
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plu said...


I really felt for you on Friday night clinging to a last minute reprieve.

I saw you go off with Aunty.

I did sense of Saturday you were still unsure and then when I finally asked you you said you were out and there was a sense of relieve with sadnesss.

Just rebuild slowly as there are plenty of years of running left. When you come back, sure seek advice, train with your mates but listen to your body and do what works for you.

cheers Plu