Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Where did the week go.......

1 February 2006

Headed over to the Bay to run with the MTG for the "Super Set". Within the first 2km I realised it was going to be one of those runs I can put down as completed rather than quality. Half way throught the run, I recalled the hill session I had completed the day before and keeping up with Blue Dog always keeps me honest.

I pulled the pin on the 2 x 400. Total Workout: 13.7km

2 & 3 February 2006

Complete rest days in an attempt to freshen up a little.

4 February 2006

Sydney Striders 10km Race 1: Lane Cove

I had a PW 52:15. I have neglected my speed work over the past couple of months which really showed on the day. The legs were okay, but I couldn't find that next gear.

Total distance: 11.5km (including warm-up)

5 February 2006

Due to a late night and Blue Dog's work commitments we ventured over to the national park for our long run. We ran just over 31 kilometres in 3:14. I was really happy with that given that we had our were carrying extra weight with our hydration packs. I had a fall, but not too much damage, a couple of scratches on the knees and a sore shoulder.

I pushed it harder than usual for my long run.

Total Weekly ks: 64.8
Total Month: 64.8
Total Year: 372.4

1 comment:

2P said...

Hey Bernie - sorry if you thought I was ignoring you in chat last night - for some reason java script became disbaled on my browser and I couldn't see text on the screen.

Another good week last week BTW - well done. I wouldn't worry about the PW on Sat - once your legs freshen up you will be faster than ever - training for 6' can be depressing sometimes if you worry about speed....