Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Another month over.....

29 January 2006

After a late night and given I did my long run on Saturday, I had a nice sleep in on Sunday. I headed up the gym and decided to have a recovery run on the treadmill. I felt great, so I kept increasing the speed, ended up running at my 10k pace, still felt good, so I increased the speed some more for the last couple of k's.

Ended up running 9kms. I am not too sure of the average pace, as a kept fiddling with the speed, and honestly I forget the actual time recorded. I then jumped on the elliptical training for a hill session for 30 minutes.

Strengh work:
3 x glute (20 reps)
3 x chest press (15 reps)
3 x leg press (20 reps)
3 x back row (15 reps)
3 x rotary calf (20 reps)
Abs with medicine ball.
20 minutes of streching.

I felt really strong and had a great session today.

30 January 2006

Monday: rest day. I did absolutely nothing, just trying to keep the body fresh.

31 January 2006

Meet Blue Dog at work, we had planned on doing some 400s, but he had a long run yesterday and I slept badly so whilst running the warm up we decided to give the 400s a miss. We ran in Sydney Park which has some great hills, so we decided to run the hills hard. I focused on staying on Blue Dog's shoulder (except during the hills), which pushes me a little harder. Finished the run with a solid sprint. Total distance 8.6kms.

Total Monthly Distance: 307.6 (it all counts) or do I round up ;-).

1 comment:

2P said...

That's a great monthly total Bernie over 300, I'm envious - well done mate.

Yep even the point sixes count! No rounding up though (unless you know the Garmin has ripped you off) - that's my rule anyway ;-)