Tuesday, August 21, 2007


As I drove to SWEAT this morning I was feeling slightly nauseous but otherwise feeling pretty good. Blue Dog and I did our usual warm up lap of the park, whilst he felt great I was just happy to keep the contents of stomach together. We had a four lap time trial of the lake this morning, so by the time I had warmed up and completed the drills and strides I lined up with the rest of the group and hoped for the best. As Blue Dog ran past he gave me a pat on the bum, wished me luck and ran off into the distance. I took off a little too quick but settled into a good pace and felt pretty good through and was determined to keep pushing along running through a few muddy spots and couple of very slippery areas. I finished in 28:17 which is a 74 second improvement since last months time trial, so it looks like everything is coming together.

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Well done on the TT Bernie. That's a big improvement from last month.

Hope you are feeling better.