Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mona's Session

An explanation. Basically it is a fartlek session which consists of;

90 second effort x 2, with 90 seconds recovery after each
60 second effort x 4, with 60 seconds recovery after each
30 second effort x 4, with 30 seconds recovery after each
15 second effort x 4, with 15 seconds recovery after each.

It is a 20 minute session. I always start in the same place and use a landmark of some type (usually a tree) to gauge my performance. The garmin also helps.

I always find this a tough session, but rewarding.


Tesso said...

Thanks for the explanation Bernie. I've heard other people mention it but didn't have any idea what it was.

It sounds tough. But then again its 'only' 20 mins of hard yakka.

I'm definitely gonna give it a go one day!

2P said...

Thanks Bernie - I remember reading about it in R4YL but coudn't find the issue.

Have it programmed into the Garmin and will give it a whirl tomorrow.