Saturday, April 29, 2006

A big day out.....

I had two choices today the CR 5K Challenge or the NSW Novice Cross Country, so I did both.

Part 1: 5K Challenge

This was just a social run and a good excuse for breakfast. I took the run very casual, with no concern for time, just an easy 10k in total.

Part 2: NSW Novice Cross Country

My first event a "Registered Athlete" (that's sounds impressive). The course was a local course for me which I am very familiar with, so I knew it's not fast but very sandy. I didn't know what to expect, thinking I would be racing against people way out of my league, but I recongised a few faces from other races and knew I was in familar territory.

The female novice event was 4km, a two loop course. I finished in 19:28 (my watch, not official). I was happy with that.


2P said...

It was a big day out - nice work Bernie.

Was good to catch up with you and Blue Dog again this morning.

Anonymous said...

Very nice pink blog Bernie.

Nice to see you yesterday at the CR 5km. Well done on backing up with the CC run.

I will be at the one at Mutch Park next month - does that mean I will have to be a registered athlete too - how funny!


Jen said...

You are right - "registered athlete" sounds very official. Congratulations on a great run. Was good to catch up with you briefly.

Horrie said...

A very solid day's running Bernie. Your time in the 4km was fantastic considering it was on a slow course and having run 10km earlier in the day. Well done!

Tesso said...

Wow, running twice in one day. The Dog is obviously influencing you :-)