Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's My Hens Day

Yes that's right my hens day. Even though Blue Dog and I are legally married we are planning an extremely tacky Vegas wedding whilst were in the States, so us girls didn't really need much of an excuse. So today we are off the races which should be great, the only problem is have a shocking cold and was awake half the night. But I'm sure it won't rain on our parade.

I went for a run yesterday with the Blue Dog and felt terrible, I have been battling a head cold for weeks, but now it has finally reared it's ugly head. I was given strict instructions not to even consider running today.

Anyone I'm off now to back a winner!


Unknown said...

Hope you win enough to pay for a super-tacky Las Vegas second wedding!

Aunty said...

BG - hope the cold is better now.

Thanks for a lovely afternoon evening... it was alot of fun.

Cheers, AK