Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Captain Cranky Pants

Tuesday, 7 November 2006

When I arrived at SWEAT this morning poor Katie and Ray asked me how I was so I let them know; it's all work stuff that shouldn't get to me but everyone has their limits. I had 4 x 1km reps this morning, and my usual shocking form was still present, again I had no energy and my times reflected this. I even forgot to write them in the squad training book, maybe I just wanted to forget them. I had a bit of chat to Sean about my current form and he made some good suggestions and comments. I still walked away from the session feeling disappointed.

Midweek fun with the Girls

Wednesday, 8 November 2006

This morning I met Katie, Kerry and Becky for a mid-week run. After some discussion we decided upon an alternative route for our midweek run, as you can only do so many ks around Centennial Park. We ran down to Rose Bay through Double Bay and back to the Park, founding a nasty hill. It was enjoyable and the variety was great. Today's run was a little shorter than usual, only 13km.


Amanda said...

Hi Bernie,

Good to see you and the girls this morning - you all looked like you were having a great run. A powerful force - the KBKB team!

As I am also having energy issues - what did Sean recommend?


Unknown said...

There's a lot going on for you at the moment. Go easy on yourself. You can't always be sweetness and light! You aren't a serial whinger by any stretch of the imagination! Nor are you a bludger (to use that fantastic Aussie slang) so allow yourself a bit of slack.

Take care.

Tesso said...

Other stuff happening in your life impacts running, stuffed if I can figure out why it can have such a big negative affect at times. But at least you are getting out there and giving it your best.

I'm sure your great form is hiding just around the corner.