Monday, November 20, 2006

Taking in the Sights at SMC

After finally catching up on some sleep and a day of relaxation on Saturday, I was looking forward to heading out to SMC. I had planned to run the half marathon as my weekly LSD, so I teamed up Kerry who had the same plan. We had a set pace in mind, but we were a little faster than planned, it reminded us of our run together in the '05 Canberra Marathon. We enjoyed a great run, and took in all the sights that SMC has to offer, and girls you would be surprised what is out there ;-).

After a nice relaxing day, I was then off to dinner with the CR/SWEAT/STRIDER girls for "Baby Shower" dinner. It was a great way to finish the weekend.


Clairie said...

Sounds like a very busy life there Bernie! Hope you are well and happy. Give that dog a big hug and congratulate him for me on his great run. You too for the wonderful job in crewing - obviously that is what got him over the line :))))

Good to see someone out there running just for the fun of it and enjoying it with friends!!

Anonymous said...

Kit told me about your mamoth weekend...congrats to the both of you. Running that much is mind boggling....
Hope this week is a little slower for both deserve it.

Tesso said...

It was great to catch up with you and The Dog again Bernie. Luv your pics from GNW.

I wondered who that friendly girl was you were running with on Sunday! You two looked to be really enjoying yourselves yet still doing a decent pace.