Wednesday, November 22, 2006

One Foot in Front of the Other

Monday, 20 November 2006

After a late night on Sunday with the girls, I suggested to Blue Dog we go over to centennial Park after work for a nice easy run. We a nice run just taking various paths and directions, we included a loop of Queens Park. It was a really nice way to end a hectic day at work. I have been pretty stressed with a lot of matters at work lately so it was nice to arrive home relaxed for a change.We did a total of 7.5km with a nice average pace of 5:45/km.

Tuesday, 21 November 2006

After a good night sleep I arrived at SWEAT feeling pretty good but during the strides I felt completely flat and felt like I had no energy or strength in my legs. I had 5 x 800 on my program but I really struggled to get through the reps. I figured rather than pull the pin on the session put in the best possible effort. I again felt really disappointed.

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

I woke up the smell of smoke, so I knew I would be in for another busy day work, so I enjoy my 90 minutes of me time. The usual group decided to just stick to the park today due to the heat to ensure we were close to water. Again it was another run taking various paths to ensure we reach our training goal. After a very quick stretch I had to get away, but I paid for this during the day. Everytime I got off my chair during the day I was walking like a little old lady. Everyone just shakes their head and ashes, "Have you been running again"?


2P said...

Lol Bernie - I had a very similar experience at work today except in my case everyone who saw me touched their leg and raised their eyebrow..... I just said "went for a run" - they nodded knowingly and went about their business.

Good on you Bernie your persistence and discipline will pay off.

Tesso said...

I've had that little old lady thing happening at work all week too! Ha ha, it doesn't set the best example for people you are trying to convince to get active.

Anonymous said...

Hope everything at work settles down soon so you get a bit of energy back. The heat that we've been getting recently wouldnt be helping also. It took me a while to recover as well, extra gatorade was definately needed.