Friday, November 10, 2006

Long Run

I drove over the Centennial Park this morning in my beautiful new car. I ran through the Park and headed towards Oxford Street and was shocked to find the number of people sitting in the pub drinking at 6.00am. I then headed towards Darling Harbour and after a particular incident realised it was probably not a good idea to be running in this area on my own early in the morning. I then ran to the King Street Wharf, Sussex Street into the Hungry Mile and then through the Rocks to the Opera House. I had stopped there for a couple of minutes so see if I could spot my father who knew I would be in that area at that time, no luck. Then into the Gardens and past my favourite spot "Lawn 32", the lawn where Blue Dog and I got married. Made my way back to Oxford Street, into Darlinghurst and then back to the Park to finish a shorten lap of the inside loop. In total I ran just 21.6km with an average pace of 5.26/km. I was really happy with my run, given I had a hard hill session yesterday and no company to keep me honest.


Becky O said...

Hope the new cars been going well. Sounds like a great sight seeing run taking in the best of Sydney. Will have to try it one day.

Hope everything goes well on the weekend.

CJ said...

Great run! Particularly given that you had the hill run the day before. Do you run with music? I find running by myself is ok if I have my music playing - then the time flies.
Sound slike you are happy with your new car :-)