Saturday, November 18, 2006

Checking In

Life has been pretty hectic over the last week, so I haven't had any spare time to sit down and update the blog. My week has included crewing for Blue Dog at the GNW 100mile (I am very proud to say he finished second), a HR conference, headcold, Squad dinner, Vat's wedding, and I have managed to fit some running in as well. It really has been an exhausting week and I am looking forward to a couple weeks at a slower pace.

Here's some photos from the GNW, I will load all my photos on CR when I get a moment.


Superflake said...

Tough work that crewing Bernie. Your a champ!

2P said...

Nice work crewing Bernie - hope you're over the head cold.

Please pass on my congrats to Blue Dog - awesome result.