Saturday, August 19, 2006

I was scheduled for a race this afternoon, but due to various commitments I just couldn't make it so I decided I would just go out for run on my own with a bit of a plan. My scheduled race was 3.2km, so I decided I would run 3.2km hard and then just cruise for a couple of kilometres. The first 3.2 incorporated all the hills which required me to combine my hill and speed training finishing in 15.20 minutes with an average speed of 4.48/km. I then got my breath back and ran for 7.5km with an average speed of 5:22/km.

My last few local runs I have encountered a weirdo who likes to sing to me and makes an effort to approaching me. I have politely told him to f&*k off, but it doesn't seem to be worked. I will have to get SS Sergeart-At-Arms aka Blue Dog politely resolve this little issue......

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