Thursday, June 01, 2006

I had a massage last night. My local gym has a physio/massage centre so I gave it a try due to convenience and price. I was booked in for an hour, but received an extra half hour all the wee price of $60.

Not too much to report except that I need to stretch more to increase my range of movement, which may actually transfer to improved running times :-).

I come home last night feeling absolutely buggered, after eating a beautiful meal Blue Dog had cooked I was ready for bed.

When the alarm went off this morning, I just couldn't get out of bed so I decided 2hrs extra sleep would be more beneficial. Today I will not run, just a good streching session this afternoon.

Blue Dog Update

For those of you who are interested, BD is off to see CR PodRunner to pick up his orthotics today. He had some x-rays on Monday, which have found heel spurs on both feet.


Tesso said...

$60 - that's a bargain for 1 1/2 hours of pain!

Thanks for the Dog update. Poor bugger, I know how much PF hurts and imagine heel spurs are even worse.

Superflake said...

Good to get that massage Bernie for a cheap price.
Wouldn't you know it, I start racing again and Blue Dog dreams up some heel pain. Hope you get those heel spurs fixed quick. Didn't Glenn Mcgrath have those?