Thursday, September 21, 2006

I arrived at SWEAT this morning with my sore throat and husky voice again. After the warm up, and drills I had a chat to Sean about my program for the day. I was feeling really flat and just seemed to have nothing, he suggested I just take it easy. I get a bit pissed off having to modify my program, but I know I need to listen to my body. After my first lap of the lake with Kerry (Roses) I decided to call it quits. Sean reassured me it was a good idea and then suggested I do two more laps of the lake as a cool down. It was probably one of my worst training sessions, but at least I managed to do something.


Ellie80 said...

Good on you for getting out there while you were feeling so crap Bernie - now rest girl!!

Katie said...

Take care of yourself Miss bernie!!!