Wednesday, October 11, 2006


10 October 2006

I arrived home on Monday evening and confronted Blue Dog with my dilemma. I had a very important meeting scheduled early on Tuesday morning regarding a restructure that impacted on my position, and possibly my ability to continue SWEAT and my regular morning runs. So I decided not to attend SWEAT to avoid arriving late to my meeting. Anyway the outcome was good so I'm happy. I arranged to meet Katie and Ray after work for a speed session, which then become an 11k run. There was not speed left in our legs at that time of the day. Katie and Ray gave me a tour of their local area, and we laughed when I realised I was near the Como Pub and had been there before. Blue Dog has definitely shown me the sights of Sydney. I now understand why Katie powers up the hills with such ease, their local area is definitely not flat.

11 October 2006

This morning there was only a small group of us for our mid week long run, Katie, Kerry and myself. We ran the usual outside loop of the Park and then went to the Park taking any direction and path to ensure we achieved our daily target. It was perfect running conditions and the company was great. It's always amazing what we chat about and the answers with come up with for life's daily issues on these runs. I know it keeps me sane. We stopped at the lake to admire the little baby ducks, they were so small a couple had difficulty walking. I started to feel tired towards the end of the run this morning and was pleased to finished. We ran a total 16k at 5:42/km.


Katie said...

Yes it is always a pleasure running and solving all our problems along the way :-) We had a great time last night too.... next time we pike on a speed session we casn do that again :-)

Becky O said...

Glad to hear that work wont be interfering with your SWEAT training :) Trust me, you dont want to join the afternoon crowd, they are punishing...

Good luck on the weekend, hope you have a lot of fun

Tesso said...

It was great to catch up recently Bernie.

Shame you were so close to the 10k PB at Homebush, but that is one tough course. On a flat course you would have caned it.

Looks like you are getting pretty serious about the 6ft training already - very inspiring!