Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Walking on Egg Shells

I got of bed this morning with a severe case of DOMS and questioned my sanity when getting dressed for SWEAT. When we arrived Katie and Ray inspected my damage from the weekends fall and filled them in all the news from the weekend. Thankfully Katie had the patience to stay with me on the warm up that was very slow. Sean asked my how I was feeling, and I did notice the strange look he gave me when I said even my biceps were sore. Lets just say the drills were very interesting and I kept most people amused however I started to loosen up with the strides. I had 3 x 800 (relaxed) on the program today. My reps were 4:12, 4:02, 3:56 so I was really happy to notice the improvement with each rep. I was then instructed to do a short cool down. In total I ran 8km on very tender legs but feel so much better for it.


2P said...

Gutsy effort Bernie.

Lulu said...

Well done on a great race and for even getting out of bed this morning! Very inspirational and thanks for the company on the cool down.