Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Headed over the SWEAT this morning in sight drizzle, expecting a chilly morning. By the time I arrived the drizzle had stopped. I managed to take a set of gloves today, but found that after the warm up I was too hot, so they were quickly disregarded.

Did the usual drills and strides. Today I completed 2 x 2km and 1 x 1600m. My program had my third rep as 1200m, but when advised we were all to complete a 1600m, I thought what the hell. I felt a bit flat today, my times were 9.29, 9.28 and 7.28.

Sean commented that he has noticed an improvement in my form and times, which is very pleasing. Watch out Blue Dog ;-).

Total ks for session; 8.9km.

I will have to think about something to eat before training, which may give me the energy levels I was lacking this morning, I have ruled out Up and Go's after last weeks disaster.


Amanda said...

Bernie - maybe try some sports drink? Either that or a slice of white bread and jam. Those were two suggestions made by the dietitian I saw.

Katie said...

Another great run miss B! The dog had better watch out thats for sure. I find a crumpet and jam is not too heavy and sits well before a run, my other favourite is a coles brand breakfast bar (near the up and go). you need something so you can give that little bit extra. You will definately hear me on sunday... I think I will be down on the finishing bit but before all the people.

Tesso said...

Back in the good old days when I could train properly (a couple of months ago) before a session I'd have a small serve of a low GI, high protein drink. The one I use is Usana but I'm sure there are plenty of similar ones that are easy to find.

I certainly could feel the difference in my energy levels, especially toward the end of the session. Not sure if it was phycological, but hey, it did the trick!

Unknown said...

Tiger Angel has an awesome recipe "apricot loaf". It's got my vote for great before or after run energy and is really yummy. I can email it to you if you are interested?

Jen said...

Kick the Dog's butt I say ;-)

Good luck & have fun on Sunday. I'll be sending telepathic cheers for Banjo country!

2P said...

I generally don't eat before I run in the morning - but on the odd occasions I do I have a slice of Mountain Bread (thin stuff and yeast free) with vegemite or peanut butter and honey.