Sunday, July 30, 2006

City to Surf Research

There was a group of about 10 of us who meet this morning at Centennial Park for our Sunday LSD. We had decided to run in towards the city and run the City to Sur course and then back up into Queens Park and then Centennial Park. There were a few running people who wanted to run between 2hrs and 3hrs so it worked well. I woke up feeling like crap with my cold but determined to get through the run. I was quite funny running past the nightclubs with people pouring out to go home and here comes this chatting group of runners. I am sure they think we are just as strange. Running up Heart Break Hill was nowhere near as heartbreaking as last year, in fact I was quite surprised when I realised I had reached the top. By the time we ran out of Bondi and back to Centennial Park I was stuffed. We stopped where the cars were parked and threw my fuel belt in the car and had a quick drink of Coke in a vain attempt to get some energy back into my tired body. The last 7ks were a struggle for me. Thankfully Katie and Helen were very patient. I ended up finishing my 30km run with an average pace of 5:43/km so I was pleased, my longest run since March. I know have an appointment with the couch……..

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Nice going on the long run Bernie. 30k seems such a looooong way. I did my longest in months on the weekend and it was only 24k.

Are you coming up with the Dog in September for GH? If not you'll have to pass on some handling advice to we GBH crew members.