Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday at the Local

I know why I felt so tired and flat the last couple of days; I have woken up with a cold. Thankfully it's "easy Friday" so I just did a nice easy run locally. Everything felt great although I did sound a bit like a steam train. The 1km alert function on the Garmin kept alerting me to the fact that I was probably running too quick, but I felt like my legs were nearly still. Blue Dog had left for his run a few minutes before me and was taking slightly longer route. As I turned the last corner for the very slight climb home I noticed him running further down the street, so I decided to put in a bit of effort up he hill hoping he wouldn't catch me. When we finished he did question my surge. I ended up running just over 6km with average pace of 5:12/km.

Tomorrow is the CR 5K Challenge at this stage I may just run it as a tempo run depending on how I feel in the morning.

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