Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Girl Power

This morning five us SWEAT girls met at 5.20am for our mid-week long run. Even though it was damp, dark and early we were all cheerful and chatty. We ran the usual outside loop of Centennial Park and then for a little variation on the second lap ran around the Golf Course and around the park again. Towards the end of the run, silence overtook us and we became aware that we were starting to feel it. As we ran past the gates, Katie and I said good bye and we continued for another couple of kilometres. We seemed to have found our second wind, or we just wanted to finish as we picked up the pace a little. As we got back towards the car, I advised Katie we had two options; run another minute as per our program or another 700 metres to round the run off to a nice 20km. You guessed it, we ran the extra 700m. Our average pace for the 20km was 5:23min/km so we were pretty happy with our effort and had big smiles on our face. Finished off with stretching, but I decided not to negotiate with the fence today and used the bonnet of my car.

When I arrived work this morning I was lucky enough to have a quick coffee with Blue Dog who had just finished night shift and was just about to go for his run. I got a few strange looks from my colleagues as they asked how far I had run this morning. Everyone seems to think we are that "weird running couple".


2P said...

Good on you for getting out there Bernie - that is an awesome midweek effort in crappy weather (in any weather)


Lulu said...

Glad you enjoyed a good run even in the dismal english type weather! I do love a round number myself!

Unknown said...

That's awfully early, Bernie! I just couldn't do it..these days I wait till the day gets a little warmer & then set out...usually around 11:00a.m. - pretty lazy!

Don Juan said...

Congratulations on the S2S PB, and very good of you to be hostess of the post-run BBQ. Congratulations to Blue Dog on beating the Flake as well.

Sorry to say this however, but it looks to me like 'Blue Dog's Mum' is a bitch.

Tesso said...

When my co-workers ask me how long I ran for on Saturay morning and I've only done 24k or so I feel almost embarrassed to tell them beause it was only a short one.