Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I can jump puddles.....

Blue Dog and I arrived nice and early and waited for Katie so we could walk to the oval together and convince ourselves that we really are sane. We tried to avoid the puddles of water as we walked to the oval, but I am pretty sure we all arrived with duck feet. After a couple of warm up laps of the oval Sean advised were would give the track work a miss today and run two laps of the 3.7km circuit at 10k race pace, with a 5 minute recovery. This didn't sound too bad, but it has been so long since I have done a 10km race I don't know what my pace is anymore. On the first lap I tried to keep Katie in sights and stick to her as long as I could. When I have finished the first lap, I thought I may have pushed it too hard. Horrie then reminded me that I must hang on as long as possible in the second lap, and Sean gave us all instructions to improve on the first rep. So off we went, I actually felt better on the second lap and my stride felt better. I also concentrated on my arm technique which is starting to come a little more naturally. I really enjoyed this session, and left the park this morning on a high and I am now really looking forward to Sutherland to Surf.

My times for each rep were: 18:14 and 17:55

1 comment:

Horrie said...

Great running this morning Bernie. The negative split just shows how well you are running. It feels good when you start to hurt and you don't let it slow you down. I was on a high all day with the same glowing feeling.